Clommunity participates in the Workshop on Energy Efficient Systems 2014

Clommunity participated in the Workshop on Energy Efficient Systems (EES 2014)  at ICT4S organized by the ECO2Clouds FP7 FIRE project, hold August 27th, 2014 in Stockholm.

Energy-efficient cloud architectures and the energy-efficient cloud-based services are important for future sustainable cloud computing, and features of the clouds in community networks may specifically contribute to energy efficient cloud computing.

Roger Baig (, Amin M. Khan (UPC) and Agustí Moll ( from the Clommunity project presented in the EES workshop our proposals for supporting energy efficiency in community clouds. We illustrated to the audience in a demo the community cloud appoach. Discussions with the workshop particpants showed the interest to explore further collaboration on energy efficiency in community clouds with the ECO2Clouds project.

The workshop programm can be found here.

2014-08-27 13.25.30

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