We presented in a demo the community clouds that we have deployed in Guifi.net in MASCOTS 2014.
We showed also experimental evaluations and measurements that we did on application performance on community cloud, in order to point to the audience to the opportunity to engage and participate in further measurement studies. MASCOTS was attended by […]
The paper “Experiences with Distributed Heterogeneous Clouds over Community Networks” from Mennan Selimi, Felix Freitag, Daniel Marti, Roger Pueyo Centelles, Pau Escrich, Roger Baig was presentaed as poster in the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing DCC 2014, colocated with SIGCOMM 2014.
SIGCOMM showed to be an excellent conference for dissemination of community […]
Clommunity participated in the Workshop on Energy Efficient Systems (EES 2014) at ICT4S organized by the ECO2Clouds FP7 FIRE project, hold August 27th, 2014 in Stockholm.
Energy-efficient cloud architectures and the energy-efficient cloud-based services are important for future sustainable cloud computing, and features of the clouds in community networks may specifically contribute to energy efficient […]
A page in the Guifi Wiki on Cloudy has been created.
This page descibes for Guifi users how to get, install and run the Cloudy distribution.
We participate in the Fed4FIRE-GENI Reseach Experiment Summit (FGRE 2014) to learn in hands-on sessions the testbed facilities available through the Fed4FIRE project.
Clommunity participated in the Tech4Dev conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 June 2014, proposing community clouds for wireless networks in underserved areas in the session “Low Cost Data Communications for Sustainable and Environment Sound Development” chaired by Ermanno Pietrosemoli from ICTP.
Marco Zennaro from ICTP proposed the use of TV white spaces to take advantage of […]
We organize the third edition of the CNBuB workshop.
Again co-located with WiMob, it will take place in Larnaca, Cyprus, October 8th, 2014.
The CfP of CNBuB has been extended regarding the topics related to clouds in community networks, especially:
Clouds for community networks Interoperation of cloud-based community services
In addition, the following topics are […]
The 2nd International Workshop on Community Networks and Bottom-up-Broadband (CNBuB 2013) was hold the 7th of October in Lyon, France. 7 papers were presented organized in two session, one on networking topics and one on applications aspects of community networks. The workshop contained a presentation of work done for CLOMMUNITY, entitled “Clouds of Small Things: […]
The tutorial aims to cover the way from how to move from the initial building of wireless networks in universities, schools, villages to provide Internet access using wireless network technologies to the next […]
Members of the CLOMMUNITY project participate in the International Summit for Community Wireless Networks (IS4CWN 2013) in Berlin and moderates the session: “Clommunity: A Cloud Solution for Community Networks”.
The IS4CWN is a yearly organized event that attracts many community network activists from worldwide. The CLOMMUNITY project has the opportunity to bring the idea of […]